From dermatologists to pathologists, trichologists to plastic surgeons; the sui generis ensemble of experienced faculty and experts practicing PRP therapy for various indications, the pre-lunch scientific programme shall cover highly informative, illustrious and interactive lectures. The topics dwelled upon shall include the basic concepts of preparation of PRP with crystallizing snippets on optimizing the platelet counts, standard protocols as well as innovations of experts in using PRP for skin and hair conditions, and additionally, the techniques of giving loco-regional anesthetic blocks to render your PRP procedure painless for the patients.
The burning question in PRP is – embarking upon the technique “that gives highest platelet yield and is still the most cost-effective technique’. Whether one should use commercial kits or the much more economical anticoagulant tubes; what are the optimum speeds and timings for the centrifuge, and variations of injecting PRP for a particular indication – our Expert Panelists will answer all your queries related to ensure optimal use of PRP in your practice; maintaining a fine balance of utility and cost-effectiveness of the procedure.

The delegates will be given Hands-On-Training after live demonstration of all aspects of PRP; including:

Preparation of PRP by various methods (in customized tubes as well as commercial kits)

Comparison of platelet yield by different techniques

Administration of scalp and facial anesthetic blocks